
Monday 9 September 2019

Palatasta Havea

Hi guys And girls to day I will be sharing a amazing and inspireing story of Palatas Havea
and his trip from a small island in tonga to a masters degree

Novel study - Hamish- pt 1

Novel study - Hamish- pt 1

Hi my name is Hamish and today I will be writing a novel study on Spirit Animals
I'm not going to write a long intro so yea let's get into the study.

Upon getting the book I can see that there is a panda , wolf cheetah and a bird.
I think what's going to happen is that there is going to me a magical presents in this book,
There are four people that are holding weapons and might be fighting something.The animals
on the front might even be the four peoples souls.

I think I will read Up to 2 chapters this week and 5 next week.

I have not Read anything so far but I will blog about this topic again next week 

Thank you for listening to this short blog Im quite busy atm so my blog schedule is
quite off sorry for that wait.

Stay cool guys and girls and have a wonderful day